I have got bad news from supplier-NTF about the trial of Hinge Bracket Spring Pin based on wire cut & Protoype tool trial for Testing requirement
Prototype tool & wire cut trial of Spring Pin got NG as per NTF information & shortly i will share you the Part trial images
Now as per supplier-NTF feedback , as per 3D data which we have received on 12-Dec'15 , our supplier will make proper tooling & then submit the testing sample of Hinge bracket by 10-Jan'16 and by 11-Jan'16 i shall be able to dispatch sample to you.
Apart from spring Pin all other part of seat side console are ready ,so please let me know how many Kits do you require for the pending tests which is not related to specifically Hinge Pin.& for Spring Pin related test i can send you the sample separately
I can dispatch you the 12 kits without Hinge Pin in Lose condition on immediate basis i.e by 26-Dec'15
Regarding Spring Pin i can dispatch separately , please let me know your opinion & suggestion "how to do the remaining test".