1. Assemble the impeller. Each component must be weighed. Approx imately equally
weighted blades are to be placed 180O apart. Complete the CROSS REFERENCE SHEET.
2. Position the impeller in the over speed rig. Safety guards should be fitted tobeltdrives and the doormustbe closedpriorto energizingtherig.
3. Adjust the pitch angle to a minimum.
4. Connect the rig to a suitable electrical supply,energize, check rotation, and stop priorto commencement oftest.
5. Energize the fanand runat 125% speed. This is accomplished by varying the frequency output of the electrical supply.
6. Allow the unit to run for a minimum of 3 minutes.
7. De-energize the unit. Allow the impeller to free wheel to a complete stop.
8. Repeat the procedurewith the impeller rotating in the opposite direction.
9. Visually inspect the impeller forany defects.
10. Complete a full Liquid Penetration test.
1. The unit completed the time requirement for over speed per the specification.
2. The unit passes the visual acceptance and liquid penetration tests.
7. De-energize the unit. Allow the impeller to free wheel to a complete stop.
8. Repeat the procedurewith the impeller rotating in the opposite direction.
9. Visually inspect the impeller forany defects.
10. Complete a full Liquid Penetration test.
1. The unit completed the time requirement for over speed per the specification.
2. Theunitpasses the visual acceptanceand liquid penetrationtests.