Thirteen families were recruited from a range of specialist
services for children with CP to enable strategically focused
recruitment of participants [20]. All were based in Victoria,
Australia, including RCH, Yooralla (a community-based agency
providing services to children and adults with disabilities), the
Cerebral Palsy Education Centre (a specialist education service
for children with CP), Melbourne, and the Kids Plus Foundation,
Geelong (an organisation providing services to children with
neuro-physical disabilities). Families were recruited through (i)
flyers and the first author (C.M.) approaching eligible families
prior to their child’s outpatient appointment at RCH and (ii)
therapists providing eligible families with the information statement
and consent form.
ParticipantsThirteen families were recruited from a range of specialistservices for children with CP to enable strategically focusedrecruitment of participants [20]. All were based in Victoria,Australia, including RCH, Yooralla (a community-based agencyproviding services to children and adults with disabilities), theCerebral Palsy Education Centre (a specialist education servicefor children with CP), Melbourne, and the Kids Plus Foundation,Geelong (an organisation providing services to children withneuro-physical disabilities). Families were recruited through (i)flyers and the first author (C.M.) approaching eligible familiesprior to their child’s outpatient appointment at RCH and (ii)therapists providing eligible families with the information statementand consent form.
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