three years went by without news from Ptolemy XII until one day a flurrry of exctiement swept the palace. An army of soldiers had been spotted entering the city. Cleopatra's father was back and he had brought support Rome.
Cleopatra rushed out to welcome her father but he stirmed past her with a fearful scowl on his face.
Arrest my traitor daughter he shouted '' then kill her''
without hesitation, he had Berenice and her supporters herded together and executed. THE massage was clear. The pharaoh wouldn't put up with defiance from anyone' especially his own family.
The palace became a gloomy place, where people lived in fear of the pharaoh's wrath. Arsince hid in her room, while Cleopater went bace to reading books and keeping a diary. she ahd plenty to write adout. Her father had regained his throne, but the strong presence of the Romen army made him even popular with the Egyptians.