t was sixth grade. Once the school bell rang,Ian sat down at his desk,and Anthony sat down at his desk. The teacher said there was gonna be an assignment. Even though the whole class groaned,Ian smiled a bit. Anthony,though,buried his face in his hands in disappointment. The teacher began giving partners to the students,when finally;
Ian looked at the teacher,waiting for the rest of the sentence.
"You will be assigned with Anthony." The teacher pointed right to Anthony. Anthony lifted his head up and looked at Ian,as well as Ian looked at Anthony. The teacher passed out the papers to everyone,and told the class to get with their partners. Anthony sat down next to Ian and stayed silent.
"Sooo…" Ian piped up,trying to break the awkwardness.
"I really hate these projects. Science isn't just my thing,you know?" Anthony grumpily said.
Ian nodded his head slowly. Although he did love science,he just wanted to agree to make things more normal a little. They finally got their paper. Ian slid the paper over to himself,and wrote his name on it. Anthony did the same and just sat there.
"Well,Anthony,it's great that we get to meet each other!" Ian said with joy,excited to meet somebody new.
Anthony,accepting the kindness of Ian,smiled a bit.
"Yeah,it is…Ian." he said softly. Something in his mind clicked that a new friendship would happen.
They both looked at each other,and just couldn't stop smiling. Ian shook his head getting out of thought of a future with a possible new friend,
"Hey,um…do you wanna come over and work on this tonight?" he asked,tapping his fingers.
Anthony nodded. "Sure. Just gimme your phone number."
Ian tore off a piece of paper from his assignment sheet,and wrote down his phone number on it. He then slid it to Anthony. Anthony thanked him,and put it in his pocket.
Later that day,at Ian's house,Ian was sitting on his couch,watching TV,waiting for Anthony to come over. Suddenly,there was a knock on the door. Ian looked up at the door,and nothing but a huge smile came across his face. He ran to the door,and opened it,to see Anthony holding his binder and text book. Anthony cleared his throat.
"Can I…?"
"Oh,yeah! Come in." Ian stepped to the side for Anthony to walk in. He closed the door and walked slowly next to Anthony,who was looking around at the house.
"Nice place." Anthony mumbled,off in thought.
Ian shrugged. "It's not that amazing,but thanks."
The two of them sat down and worked on the project,usually taking breaks to just talk to each other and get along. They both noticed they had the same type of humor as they joked about all the things at school. Then one moment they paused and looked at each other. They definitely knew a new friendship was going to be born.
And it did.
The two were now in high school. Ian didn't had that much friends,and was the type of emotional person. But luckily Anthony would be there for him,and invited him to his own group of friends. One day at lunch,Anthony told Ian about him making flash movies on Newgrounds. Ian,interested in his flashes,asked Anthony what his username was.
"It's Smosh."
Ian tilted his head. "What?"
"Smosh,Ian. It's called Smosh."
"What the hell does Smosh mean?" Ian asked between chuckles.
"Well my friend was trying to say 'mosh pit',but he said 'smosh',so I called my username Smosh. Pretty weird,huh?"
That night,Ian looked up "Smosh" on Newgrounds,and found Anthony's flashes. He just stared at the computer screen with a knuckle under his chin,totally lost on how random they were,but he did get a laugh out of them. So he grabbed his phone,and called Anthony.
"Yeah,I saw the flashes."
"I-Ian? Oh,you saw them…pretty sucky,right?"
"They're alright. Hey,I have a question."
"And that would be?"
"Well…okay,just come over."
"But I-"
"Come over!"
"Okay,okay,I will…"
Ian hung up and threw his phone on his bed.
Moments later,Anthony knocked on the door. Ian opened it and led Anthony into his room. Anthony sat on the bed.
"What do you want?"
"Anthony,I'm bored."
"…You called me over for this?"
"Well,I was lonely!" Ian grumpily grabbed his Jesus action figure and twirled it around.
"Dude,is that a Jesus action figure?!" Anthony started laughing hysterically.
Ian looked at him and grinned a little,and hid the action figure. He nodded. Anthony put his hand over his mouth and snickered. He reached over to grab his Mountain Dew,and while laughing,his tongue hit the bottle. He laughed even harder,and so did Ian.
"Dude,you know what,I gotta video tape this." Ian said,putting on his webcam.
"Good idea." Anthony agreed,then drinking his Mountain Dew. Once the webcam came on,Ian smiled and waved at the camera. He put on his Ash Ketchum hat and just sat there. Anthony danced around in the background. Then he saw Ian wearing the hat,and hummed the Pokemon theme song. Ian looked at Anthony and then looked at the computer. He looked up the Pokemon theme song,and played it. He put his hat facing forward up to the camera as the song started. Anthony hid behind the chair,and once Ian started lip syncing,he popped out and joined along.
The two of them finished up their video,and they couldn't stop laughing.
"Post it to everyone!" Anthony exclaimed out of breath.
Ian,still laughing,nodded and sent the video to some of their friends.
Anthony looked at the screen to see positive feedback from their friends. The video was shared to others; it was a hit.
"Holy crap!" Anthony yelled,scaring Ian.
"They're saying we should post it to Youtube."
"But we don't have a channel."
"We can make one! Quick,we can use your Newgrounds name." Ian frantically went to Youtube.
"Okay then."
Once Ian was done setting up the channel,he posted the video up,and sighed saying "Boom."
Days had gone by. Anthony slumped in his chair,and logged onto Youtube. When something got his attention. His jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. He didn't cheer,he didn't do anything,he was just in complete shock. Jumping up,he grabbed his phone,and called Ian,his fingers trembling.
"Come on,pick up,pick up…"
When the dialing sound stopped,and hearing a clicking sound,Anthony gave Ian no time to speak.
"Ian! Ian Ian Ian! C-come over! Now!"
"Woah,what happened?"
"Just come over!"
Ian could tell something was up,but judging by Anthony's tone of voice,full of excitement and happiness,the surprise wasn't bad.
Anthony opened the door and pulled Ian in by the arm.
"Come quick!" Anthony was pushing Ian into his room.
Ian stopped himself and walked into Anthony's room. He looked at his best friend pointing to the screen. And there it was… the number 24 million appeared. Ian gasped and put his hand over his mouth.
"Oh my god…"
"Dude,we're famous! We have the most views on the FRIGGIN SITE!"
Ian jumped up and high fived Anthony. They both danced around and cheered.
Over days,the views were getting higher and higher. The two best friends would celebrate jumping up and down on the couch. Ian would hug his dog Sparky while Anthony would just still be jumping up and down. Until one day…
It was a week later. Ian was slamming his head on his desk repeatedly. Anthony walked in,still happy and excited about their viral video. But he saw Ian with an upset face and slamming his head.
"Ian? What's wrong?"
"The video…we're done…"
Anthony walked over to the computer screen,and to his surprise,the video was gone. Their more than 20 million hits; it was all gone. Anthony stepped a few steps away from the computer in shock and disbelief. He turned,facing away from Ian,and stood there.
"Our fame…it's-"
"Gone,I know. It was removed for copyright." Ian finished for him.
"What are we gonna do now?" Anthony said softly,disappointed.
Ian shrugged and sighed. But then he lifted his head up. "Anthony."
"We don't have to stop making videos. We…we can still do this. We are still famous,right?"
Anthony nodded. He then saw a huge smile go across Ian's face.
With just one click of a webcam,a song,and just plain madness,Ian and Anthony made lip syncing videos,and then moved on to real skits,where Ian came up with the ideas,and Anthony edited. Their subscribers kept going up,and their fame also. Their success came to Food Battle 2006,as it still continues. When they graduated,they hugged each other to death,knowing that they didn't need college; they needed a camera and some humor. Throughout the years,they got older,physically,but they know never mentally. They got their own crew. They felt like movie stars. Also getting to meet other famous Youtubers,such as Shane Dawson.
"We got a million subscribers!" Ian screamed running to Anthony. Anthony also screamed in excitement and danced,along with Ian joining.
The two started getting money and new equipment.
Through their cosplays,as either Link and Ganondorf,Connor and George Washington,Mario and Luigi,they still had the best times as best friends. They always loved meeting their fans,and signing autographs. They both stayed to each other as they won awards at Vidcon. The both of them would still look at their science project from sixth grade and smile,remembering how their friendship started.
Through the laughs,tears,smiles,and fights,Ian and Anthony would still vow to be a team. Anthony would sometimes give Ian piggyback rides through the park not giving a damn if people were staring. Friends would just stop. Best friends would laugh at the people staring and keep being themselves. And when Ian fell off Anthony's back,Anthony would laugh and gently kick Ian in the leg,and run away.
One day,to their surprise,there it was: #1 most subscribed Youtubers. When Ant
ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6 ไม่ได้ เมื่อระฆังโรงเรียนรัง เอียนนั่งลงที่โต๊ะของเขา และ Anthony นั่งลงที่โต๊ะของเขา ครูกล่าวว่า จะมีการกำหนด แม้ว่าทั้งชั้น groaned เอียนยิ้มเล็กน้อย Anthony แม้ว่า ฝังใบหน้าของเขาในมือของเขาในความผิดหวัง ครูเริ่มให้คู่นักศึกษา เมื่อสุดท้าย"เอียน เอียนมองครู รอส่วนเหลือของประโยค"คุณจะสามารถกำหนดให้กับ Anthony" ครูชี้ขวาไป Anthony Anthony ยกศีรษะขึ้น และมองที่เอียน เช่นเป็นเอียนมอง Anthony ครูที่ผ่านการออกเอกสารให้ทุกคน และบอกชั้นจะ มีคู่ Anthony นั่งลงข้างเอียน และเงียบดี "ดังนั้น... " เอียนส่งผ่าน พยายามที่จะทำลายที่ awkwardness "ฉันจริง ๆ เกลียดโครงการเหล่านี้ วิทยาศาสตร์ไม่ใช่เพียงสิ่งของฉัน คุณรู้หรือไม่" Anthony grumpily กล่าวว่า เอียน nodded หัวช้า ถึงแม้ว่าเขาไม่ได้รักวิทยาศาสตร์ เขาเพียงต้องการตกลงที่จะทำสิ่งที่มากกว่าปกติเล็กน้อย สุดท้ายพวกเขามีกระดาษของพวกเขา เอียนฝ่อกระดาษมากกว่าตนเอง และเขียนชื่อของเขานั้น Anthony ได้เหมือนกัน และเพียงแค่นั่ง"ดี Anthony ก็ดีที่เราไปพบกัน" เอียนกล่าวว่า ความสุข ตื่นเต้นกับคนใหม่Anthony ยอมรับเมตตาของเอียน ยิ้มเล็กน้อย "ใช่ . ... เอียน "เขากล่าวเบา ๆ บางสิ่งบางอย่างในจิตใจของเขาคลิกว่ามิตรภาพใหม่จะเกิดขึ้น พวกเขามองกัน และเพียงแค่ไม่สามารถหยุดยิ้ม เอียนจับเขาใหญ่เดินทางออกจากความคิดของในอนาคตกับเพื่อนใหม่ได้" Hey อึม...คุณอยากจะไป และงานนี้คืนนี้? " เขาถาม เคาะนิ้วมือของเขาAnthony พยักหน้า "แน่ใจ Gimme เพียงหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของคุณ " เอียนฉีกกระดาษออกจากแผ่นของเขากำหนด และเขียนลงหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของเขาไว้ เขาแล้วฝ่อมันกับ Anthony Anthony ขอบคุณเขา และใส่ในกระเป๋าของเขา ภายหลังวันที่ ที่บ้านของเอียน เอียนนั่งอยู่บนโซฟาเขา ดูโทรทัศน์ รอ Anthony มา ทันใดนั้น มีเสียงเคาะประตู เอียนมองที่ประตู และไม่มีอะไร แต่ยิ้มใหญ่มาในหน้าของเขา เขาวิ่งไปประตู และเปิดมัน ดู Anthony binder และหนังสือของเขา Anthony ล้างคอของเขา"สวัสดี เอียน""สวัสดี Anthony ""สามารถฉันได้... ? ""โอ้ ใช่ มา" เอียนก้าวไปด้านข้างสำหรับ Anthony เดิน เขาปิดประตู และเดินช้า ๆ อยู่ Anthony ที่พักสถานที่บ้าน"ทำดี" Anthony mumbled ปิดในความคิดเอียนยักไหล่ "มันไม่เป็นที่ตื่นตาตื่นใจ แต่ขอบคุณ"เขาทั้งสองนั่งลง และทำงานในโครงการ โดยปกติการแบ่งเพียงพูดคุยกัน และได้รับการพร้อม พวกเขาทั้งสองพบมีชนิดเดียวกันของอารมณ์ขันพวกเขาพูดติดตลกเกี่ยวกับทุกสิ่งที่โรงเรียน ครับจะหยุดชั่วคราว แล้วมองกัน แน่นอนพวกเขารู้ว่า มิตรภาพใหม่กำลังเกิด และมัน The two were now in high school. Ian didn't had that much friends,and was the type of emotional person. But luckily Anthony would be there for him,and invited him to his own group of friends. One day at lunch,Anthony told Ian about him making flash movies on Newgrounds. Ian,interested in his flashes,asked Anthony what his username was. "It's Smosh."Ian tilted his head. "What?""Smosh,Ian. It's called Smosh.""What the hell does Smosh mean?" Ian asked between chuckles."Well my friend was trying to say 'mosh pit',but he said 'smosh',so I called my username Smosh. Pretty weird,huh?""Very,Anthony,very…" That night,Ian looked up "Smosh" on Newgrounds,and found Anthony's flashes. He just stared at the computer screen with a knuckle under his chin,totally lost on how random they were,but he did get a laugh out of them. So he grabbed his phone,and called Anthony."Hello?""Yeah,I saw the flashes." "I-Ian? Oh,you saw them…pretty sucky,right?""They're alright. Hey,I have a question.""And that would be?""Well…okay,just come over.""But I-""Come over!""Okay,okay,I will…"Ian hung up and threw his phone on his bed.Moments later,Anthony knocked on the door. Ian opened it and led Anthony into his room. Anthony sat on the bed."What do you want?""Anthony,I'm bored.""…You called me over for this?""Well,I was lonely!" Ian grumpily grabbed his Jesus action figure and twirled it around."Dude,is that a Jesus action figure?!" Anthony started laughing hysterically.Ian looked at him and grinned a little,and hid the action figure. He nodded. Anthony put his hand over his mouth and snickered. He reached over to grab his Mountain Dew,and while laughing,his tongue hit the bottle. He laughed even harder,and so did Ian. "Dude,you know what,I gotta video tape this." Ian said,putting on his webcam. "Good idea." Anthony agreed,then drinking his Mountain Dew. Once the webcam came on,Ian smiled and waved at the camera. He put on his Ash Ketchum hat and just sat there. Anthony danced around in the background. Then he saw Ian wearing the hat,and hummed the Pokemon theme song. Ian looked at Anthony and then looked at the computer. He looked up the Pokemon theme song,and played it. He put his hat facing forward up to the camera as the song started. Anthony hid behind the chair,and once Ian started lip syncing,he popped out and joined along. The two of them finished up their video,and they couldn't stop laughing. "Post it to everyone!" Anthony exclaimed out of breath.Ian,still laughing,nodded and sent the video to some of their friends.--------------"Anthony,look…"Anthony looked at the screen to see positive feedback from their friends. The video was shared to others; it was a hit."Holy crap!" Anthony yelled,scaring Ian."They're saying we should post it to Youtube.""But we don't have a channel.""We can make one! Quick,we can use your Newgrounds name." Ian frantically went to Youtube.
"Okay then."
Once Ian was done setting up the channel,he posted the video up,and sighed saying "Boom."
Days had gone by. Anthony slumped in his chair,and logged onto Youtube. When something got his attention. His jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. He didn't cheer,he didn't do anything,he was just in complete shock. Jumping up,he grabbed his phone,and called Ian,his fingers trembling.
"Come on,pick up,pick up…"
When the dialing sound stopped,and hearing a clicking sound,Anthony gave Ian no time to speak.
"Ian! Ian Ian Ian! C-come over! Now!"
"Woah,what happened?"
"Just come over!"
Ian could tell something was up,but judging by Anthony's tone of voice,full of excitement and happiness,the surprise wasn't bad.
Anthony opened the door and pulled Ian in by the arm.
"Come quick!" Anthony was pushing Ian into his room.
Ian stopped himself and walked into Anthony's room. He looked at his best friend pointing to the screen. And there it was… the number 24 million appeared. Ian gasped and put his hand over his mouth.
"Oh my god…"
"Dude,we're famous! We have the most views on the FRIGGIN SITE!"
Ian jumped up and high fived Anthony. They both danced around and cheered.
Over days,the views were getting higher and higher. The two best friends would celebrate jumping up and down on the couch. Ian would hug his dog Sparky while Anthony would just still be jumping up and down. Until one day…
It was a week later. Ian was slamming his head on his desk repeatedly. Anthony walked in,still happy and excited about their viral video. But he saw Ian with an upset face and slamming his head.
"Ian? What's wrong?"
"The video…we're done…"
Anthony walked over to the computer screen,and to his surprise,the video was gone. Their more than 20 million hits; it was all gone. Anthony stepped a few steps away from the computer in shock and disbelief. He turned,facing away from Ian,and stood there.
"Our fame…it's-"
"Gone,I know. It was removed for copyright." Ian finished for him.
"What are we gonna do now?" Anthony said softly,disappointed.
Ian shrugged and sighed. But then he lifted his head up. "Anthony."
"We don't have to stop making videos. We…we can still do this. We are still famous,right?"
Anthony nodded. He then saw a huge smile go across Ian's face.
With just one click of a webcam,a song,and just plain madness,Ian and Anthony made lip syncing videos,and then moved on to real skits,where Ian came up with the ideas,and Anthony edited. Their subscribers kept going up,and their fame also. Their success came to Food Battle 2006,as it still continues. When they graduated,they hugged each other to death,knowing that they didn't need college; they needed a camera and some humor. Throughout the years,they got older,physically,but they know never mentally. They got their own crew. They felt like movie stars. Also getting to meet other famous Youtubers,such as Shane Dawson.
"We got a million subscribers!" Ian screamed running to Anthony. Anthony also screamed in excitement and danced,along with Ian joining.
The two started getting money and new equipment.
Through their cosplays,as either Link and Ganondorf,Connor and George Washington,Mario and Luigi,they still had the best times as best friends. They always loved meeting their fans,and signing autographs. They both stayed to each other as they won awards at Vidcon. The both of them would still look at their science project from sixth grade and smile,remembering how their friendship started.
Through the laughs,tears,smiles,and fights,Ian and Anthony would still vow to be a team. Anthony would sometimes give Ian piggyback rides through the park not giving a damn if people were staring. Friends would just stop. Best friends would laugh at the people staring and keep being themselves. And when Ian fell off Anthony's back,Anthony would laugh and gently kick Ian in the leg,and run away.
One day,to their surprise,there it was: #1 most subscribed Youtubers. When Ant
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