Chemical and physical Changes in Food
As you have learned in this chapter, matter undergoes chemical and physical changes. Since food is matter such cha occur in food too. The changes that take place in food during cooking are both physical and chemical. In other works, once a potato has been cooked. is physically and chemically different from when it was raw. Eggs are a food where cooking causes obvious visual changes Before an egg is cooked, the egg white is an almost clear, runny quid After cooking: it is white and solid: Both the cooked potato and egg have been permanently changed on a molecular level. Some of the changes made to food are distinctly physical, like slicing. chopping, or peeling, Cooking often causes chemical changes Sometimes both kinds. changes happen at the same time. when you chew food, you grind it with your tecth. a primarily physical change. At the same Lime, the saliva in your mouth begins to dissolve the food. This chemical change