Motion capture (MoCap) is the process of sampling the
posture and location information of a subject over time. It is
widely used for medical researches, biomechanics,
ergonomics, humanoid robots, entertainment etc [1]. There
are several kinds of MoCap though the most common
technologies for MoCap are optical systems and electro
magnetic systems. In this research we used magnetic MoCap
system instead of optical MoCap system. Magnetic MoCap
have some advantages; the resulting data stream consists of
positions and orientations six degrees of freedom (6DOF) for
each receiver whereas optical MoCap system can measure
only position not orientation data from a marker [2]. Optical
MoCap system requires obtrusive retro-reflective markers or
LEDs and many camera setups. It is prone to light
interference, so reflective dots can be blocked by performers
or other structures [3]-[6] causing loss of data sometimes. But
some other purposes optical MoCap system performs better
than magnetic MoCap system.