Specially these days, when the market tends to be taken, ironically, by the old fashioned way of drinking coffee. Maybe, the wellness concept is not the best way to sell coffee. A healthy lifestyle would certainly prefer whole ground coffee to the industrialized instant one, even if it has more anti-oxidants. In such a skeptical and nature oriented society, industrialized and instantare not so positive attributes. On the other hand, hedonic consumption and purchases experiences,specially with services, creates a whole new dimension. The brand seems to be aware about this factand gradually is building a new way to enjoy coffee. The idea of creating service with franchisingstores selling instant coffee based drinks sounds very good. And as innovative as it happened inGreece, with the “Frappe Nescafé”, which changed the way people enjoy coffee, the company can come up with something completely new, which can drive Nescafé to another direction, maintaingits brand leadership and success