CH4 Recovery and Sludge Removal
• A carbon balance check can be used to ensure that the carbon contained in the inflow and outflow (effluent BOD, methane emission and methane recovery) are comparable.
• If sludge removal is reported in the wastewater inventory, check for consistency with the estimates for sludge applied to agriculture soils, sludge incinerated, and sludge deposited in solid waste disposal.
Comparison of emissions estimates using different approaches
• For countries that use country-specific parameters, or Tier 2 or higher methods, inventory compilers can
cross-check the national estimate with emissions using the IPCC default method and parameters.
CH4 Recovery and Sludge Removal• A carbon balance check can be used to ensure that the carbon contained in the inflow and outflow (effluent BOD, methane emission and methane recovery) are comparable.• If sludge removal is reported in the wastewater inventory, check for consistency with the estimates for sludge applied to agriculture soils, sludge incinerated, and sludge deposited in solid waste disposal. Comparison of emissions estimates using different approaches• For countries that use country-specific parameters, or Tier 2 or higher methods, inventory compilers cancross-check the national estimate with emissions using the IPCC default method and parameters.
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