Implications of technological changes/advances on the library environment We are
already seeing a transformation in the world of libraries, libraries are becoming less
important for the materials they collect or house, and more important for the kind of
materials they can obtain in response to user requests. This movement from collecting
materials “just in case” some one’s will need it, to delivering materials from else where
“just in time” to answer a user’s needs, is a profound shift for the library as an institution.
This shift is direct result of the recent proliferation of digital networking in an
environment where standards for description were already well established. This is
currently evident in major research libraries where librarians spend much of their time
creating (World Wide Web based electronic pointers to resources on the internet).
Efforts like this are likely to greatly increase in the fore see able future. These trends
imply less in person mediation by library staff (as patron access information directly, but
more of behind the scenes mediator role in selection and creating an noted/evaluation
guides to external resources). This means a greater role for library staff as instructors,
troubleshooters and guides.