The eight-sided symbol known as the pa kua
refers to the eight trigrams of the I Ching. It
provides a scienti®c formula to diagnose the chi
or energy ¯ow coming from various directions.
Each of the eight sides relates to a speci®c
compass direction, which in turn represents a
speci®c area or aspiration of one's life. For
example, east represents health; north-east,
education; and so on. The Feng Shui practitioner
will lay the pa kua on a plan of the house or
workplace, with the career section facing mag-
netic north, to determine which areas relate to
which aspirations. Important areas for the client
then be enhanced using various symbols and
objects, paying attention to the balance of the
whole. (Fig. 1.)
The eight-sided symbol known as the pa kuarefers to the eight trigrams of the I Ching. Itprovides a scienti®c formula to diagnose the chior energy ¯ow coming from various directions.Each of the eight sides relates to a speci®ccompass direction, which in turn represents aspeci®c area or aspiration of one's life. Forexample, east represents health; north-east,education; and so on. The Feng Shui practitionerwill lay the pa kua on a plan of the house orworkplace, with the career section facing mag-netic north, to determine which areas relate towhich aspirations. Important areas for the clientthen be enhanced using various symbols andobjects, paying attention to the balance of thewhole. (Fig. 1.)
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