Elementary School and Middle School:
The Differences and Similarities
What is it like to transition from elementary to middle school?
That is a question many kids ask each year. Having experienced
both, I can tell you that there are plenty of similarities as well as
some very big differences between the two types of schools.
Elementary schools and middle schools have many traits in _
common. Typically, both are open five days a week for a set _
number of hours each day. Students sit at desks in classrooms _
and are expected to listen to and learn from their teachers. There _
is a set time for lunch. Each day, students are given homework _
assignments. Students take quizzes and tests. In all of these ways,
middle school should feel somewhat familiar to new students.
However, there are some big changes that new middle school
students should be aware of. In elementary school, students _
usually stay in the same classroom with one teacher for most of _
the day. That is not the case in middle school, where students _
typically have a different teacher for each subject. Students must
move to a different classroom for each subject too. Since there is
not one classroom in which to store supplies, middle schools often
provide students with lockers. For many kids, getting a locker is a
welcome rite of passage.
Making the move from elementary school to middle school _
may seem scary, but knowing what to expect can really help. _
Elementary school provides kids with the experiences they need _
to be ready for middle school. Even though moving on means _
adjusting to a new environment, some things, including many of
the classmates who accompany you, will remain the same.