Tell me about yourself:
This video was enjoyable, because it allows you to visualize how answering “Tell me about yourself” during an interview should go. I appreciated the use of a complete opposite, since it can be hard to know when you may be portraying yourself in an undesirable way. One thing that is obvious, but can be easy to forget is to come in dressed to impress. The employer will not even take you seriously, if the attire you wore is unacceptable. Another thing I noticed is that it is best to not bring so many accessories since, you will probably need to put them somewhere. A lot of the “bad interviewees” had shades, pencils, sodas, and gum. Since, you are nervous playing with objects will possibly occur. This causes distractions and fidgeting, and this can portray oneself to be disrespectful and it seems like you don`t want to be there. Similarly, a smile is always a great thing to have, and I thought the posture of the individuals was a great point. Personally, I definitely have to work on my posture, because I do naturally slouch forward. Eye contact tells the employer you are focused and sincere with everything you are explaining. Also, what you say is the most important part, and I think the video was trying to show structure in the explanation that everyone gives to answer, “Tell me about yourself”. Essentially, the individuals portraying “bad” said good things, but they did not explain it enough for the employer to understand how those experiences shaped the person sitting across from them.