These points indicate that profit and market
share are not measures of success within the
small voluntary organization: such assets
might be seen as encumbrances. Case 3's
development manager suggests that success
is more appropriately measured by the extent
to which people and the community benefit,
and the degree of ``stability'' within the
organization derived from adequate funding
and sufficient practical field and
administrative resource. The observed
effects of all this on human resource
development appear more positive than
negative. As a strongly people-focused
enterprise, Case 3 aligns priorities to the
consideration of people and naturally
develops people-focused systems in support
of this, even with limited resources. An
illustration of this is located in the design
and execution of Case 3's recent employee
recruitment process, whereby team-based
selection activities, continual feedback, and
pastoral care of applicants were seen as
paramount. This is how the development
manager summarizes why her organization
has invested so much time, thought and effort
into the recruitment of new staff