His strength lies in Ray's ability to be innovative, open to new progressive concepts, willing to experiment and to reject customs and traditions when they cease to serve any positive function in the present. Also, Ray Kroc has an expansive view of the world, one that includes humanity and not only his own small, personal circle.
Wealth, material well-being, and prosperity are very important to Ray Kroc, and he would never choose a profession that did not offer him great promise and opportunity for growth (financial and otherwise).
Kroc is very generous and sometimes careless with money; he does not want to hold on to it, he wants to enjoy it and use it to enrich his life. Whatever Ray Kroc does with his money, he does in a big way - making it, spending it, or blowing it! Ray may accumulate elegant, high quality things (art, jewelry, etc).
He is very romantic and likely to enjoy great happiness in his love relationships. His creative powers also are strong and Ray Kroc may enjoy creating beautiful things for which he may very well receive considerable recognition.
Ray Kroc has a great capacity for self-denial in the pursuit of a long-range goal. Ray is capable of hard work and persistent labor, but he may lack joyfulness and the ability to play. Ray Kroc often feels burdened by life's demands and responsibilities, and may envy those who seem to attract what they want in life without a great deal of personal effort.
He is dynamic, decisive and somewhat impulsive. Ray Kroc responds quickly and spontaneously to challenges, and enjoys vigorous physical activities that require fast reflexes and a good sense of rhythm and timing. Ray has an abundance of energy and vitality, and a restless desire to see progress and change - he hates stagnation. He is individualistic and makes a good leader, spearheading new projects and inspiring others to act.
When Ray Kroc wants something, he can be amazingly persistent and unrelenting, even a bit obsessed, although quiet about it. In fact Ray may hide his deep purposes and intentions even from friends. Whenever he does a thing, it is done wholeheartedly and thoroughly - and if Ray Kroc does not want to do something that others wish him to do, somehow he will find a way out of it. Kroc is strong, though subtle.
Ray Kroc has a strong need to gain power and he tends to dominate or manipulate other people. But in his push for success, power struggles could also thwart Kroc's efforts and he could become the victim of someone else having control over him.
Positions of honor, affluence, influence, and stature in his community can be his. Ray Kroc feels he has a destiny which involves leadership or distinguishing himself in some line of endeavor. Ray possesses an innate sense of greatness or importance, and a strong drive to achieve recognition for his talent. Ray Kroc should avoid excessive egotism and arrogant pride, for these could limit his opportunities.
Ray Kroc perseveres through numerous obstacles, frustrations, delays, and setbacks in order to attain his ambitions in life. Sometimes it may feel as if he is pushing a boulder uphill. Ray Kroc should try to avoid bitterness or comparing his lot to others', as these could weaken his resolve.
Ray Kroc possesses great zeal and passion for achieving his aspirations in life, and can be something of a fanatic when he sets his sights on a goal. Ray could do research work, psychological investigation, even detective work - anything that involves delving beneath the surface for hidden elements. A great love of mystery and exploring the unknown fuels many of Ray's personal ambitions.
His profession could involve physical strength and prowess, such as athletics, fire fighting, law enforcement, or the military. Ray Kroc would never be happy in a quiet, sit-down job. Vigorous competition and strenuous work are undoubtedly key components of both what Ray Kroc does and how he achieves his long-range goals.
He is attracted to careers which are somewhat unusual, creative, or avant-garde, and which offer Ray Kroc a maximum amount of freedom and independence. The nine-to-five routine is really not his cup of tea. Ray may make his living in diversified ways rather than focusing on one specific area or talent, and he is happiest when he can create a place in the world for his unique combination of different talents and interests. It is hard and unnatural for Ray Kroc to try to fit himself into a ready-made mold.
Ray Kroc has a natural ability to integrate with groups and could very well form his own associations or groups. There is likely to be a special soul-link between Ray and the friends he chooses. Ray Kroc also has a tendency to fight other people's battles.
Ray Kroc has a sense of beauty and a good understanding of art. He enjoys beautiful things and has the ability to put his feelings into words. There is a light-hearted way about Ray Kroc, and he has a tendency to emulate the momentary ideals of beauty.