To see a wild alligator or a crocodile in your dream foretells a new beginning or changes in your waking life. This dream can also indicate danger in some way. If you do not kill the alligator, then this dream may not be favorable, but it is rather a caution. The alligator or crocodile within your dream can also highlight your intuition, your spiritual insights, and the spiritual steps you need to take in the forthcoming future. Because of its association with religion, the alligator can mean that negative aspects signify a danger which will shortly come into your life.
The dream improved your perception about life.
It was not scary.
This dream indicates that you need to improve or encourage financial security. No matter how well off you are, money just seems to be difficult to obtain. According to 1930s dream dictionaries, a dream of seeing an alligator or crocodile reflects how you feel inside about others. The alligator or crocodile is consistently related to the soul. Spiritually, the dream represents a coming together of power and intelligence. When we are affected by negative energies caused by difficult people, situations or even stalkers the dream normally arises.
There may be some conflict between the masculine attributes and the female ones, but it is important to maintain some kind of balance between the two. This dream is often connected to your feelings. As time passes, you recognize familiar aspects of what this dream means, and it is important to develop your personality coupled with strong sense of family values.
Independence is important to you, and this dream shows it is time to claim it back. If you visit a jungle and see an alligator, this dream signifies there is a new beginning on the horizon. If you dream that the alligator was tamed, it means that you have acquired influence and lots of power.