Computational Fluid Dynamics is used to evaluate the use of a rotating fluidized bed in a static geometry for
the catalytic cracking of gas oil. A Eulerian–Eulerian flow model is used in combination with the Kinetic
Theory of Granular Flow. The catalytic cracking reactions are described by a 10-lump model. Catalyst
deactivation by coke formation is included. To operate at low catalyst coke content, the catalyst residence
time is small and the catalyst makes on average only a limited number of rotations in the reactor. Therefore,
the catalyst bed cannot be considered well-mixed and a local distribution of the catalyst coke content is to be
accounted for. The catalyst coke content distribution function has no pre-described functional form and is
discretized. A continuity equation is then solved for each of the classes of catalyst with a given coke content.
The impact of the strongly endothermic cracking reactions on the particle bed temperature uniformity is also