Before starting, it is important to give some thought to the level of organizational
support you have for this initiative. Ideal organizational support includes a green policy
statement or guideline, a team lead assigned to the green purchasing initiative and an
executive team project champion. Obtaining this support may be facilitated by briefing
your organization’s executive on the One Simple Act seven step process.
Having a policy statement that has been endorsed by the executive will demonstrate
senior management’s commitment to the initiative and will be a useful reference for
getting cooperation, support and participation throughout your organization.
Ask your organization’s executive to designate a team lead and an executive project
champion for your green planning initiative. The team lead should report to the project
champion directly and on an established schedule. Complete and submit Worksheet 0A
to your organization’s senior leadership to help gain initial approval for your greening
A green policy or guideline can be developed and signed off before you begin the seven
step process in order to facilitate the development of an implementation team. You may
also consider developing one during Step 3 once your team is in place. See Worksheet
0B for tips and examples on creating a policy. Once this is in place, move to Step 1.