Mainstream thought on “Thainess” has been firmly defined by significant intellectuals
since the reign of King Rama V. Intellectuals adjusted the key aspects and significance of
“Thainess” periodically in responded to the changing political contexts. However, the
original structure of “Thainess” was retained throughout these adjustments. As a result, the
mainstream construction of “Thainess” has an overwhelming power upon the ways of
thinking of Thai people.
The definition of “Thainess” originated within the context of the centralized political
structure. This construction of “Thainess” then became the basis of the ideology that
maintained the centralized political regime and the hierarchical social structure. Thai people
have been dominated by this overarching ideology since the end of the 1950s, since then, the
ideology has functioned as an obstacle to prevent Thai people from adapting themselves to
the rapid, crucial changes in Thai society. Further, the meaning of this idea of “Thainess” has
been too narrow to create “social space” for all groups of Thai people to attain justice,
freedom and equality. Justice, freedom and equality are essential for people to access
essential resources and to live a digified life. Therefore, we can say that mainstream thought
on “Thainess” has been one part of the violent structure of Thai society.