Dear Khun Ree and Khun Natthawut,
By now I presume you are aware of complexities of the circumstances surrounding the changing of the management company for this building.
*As a coincidence as I am writing this I have received a copy of a letter from Mr. Feldman which complicates things even further – on that subject, what you may not realize is that Khun Lek wanted to remain loyal to you (especially you Khun Natthawut) but did not want to remain with PPM from even before all of this started. So you see you would have lost a good employee and we would have lost a good building manager even if PPM continued to manage the building.
But that is not why I am writing.
I wanted to say to you personally that, over the many years we have worked together I have been confident that we have been in good hands. I can say that it has truly been a learning experience for me in the sense that it has re-enforced all of the reasons that I enjoy living in Thailand so much. Suffice to say that overall it has been a pleasure and I wish there was another way so that the journey could continue. Thank you for everything.
As I explained when we last met, the catalyst was the committee meeting in which the 45% increase was requested. From there it was my duty as a committee member to source options and I began to do so right away. When I found two quotes by what looked like decent companies that were very much lower that what PPM was asking – it opened my eyes. By the time you reduced your asking to 115 the snowball was already heading downhill. By the time you changed to 110 it was too big and moving too fast to stop. This, coupled with the fact that we wanted Khun Lek to remain and there was seriously resistance to the idea of raising the maintenance fees to Baht 45, the whole issue was the opposite way to what you wished.
I wish you both all the best for the future and for the future of your new business endeavor.
All the best regards and,
Sincerely Ford Dotterer