Research has documented the important role of children’s programs in fostering children’s
well-being. However, certain cautions bear mention when implementing programs
for children. Curriculum manuals and materials should be culturally sensitive and have
evidence of effectiveness. Effective programs require careful planning and implementation to
select children who can most benefit from a psycho-educational group experience. It is not
unusual for painful emotions to surface during meetings that require sensitivity, empathy,
and skilled facilitation. Thus, leaders should be experienced mental health professionals or
receive close supervision while conducting groups. Housing programs in a courthouse
should be carefully assessed, to avoid the possibility that the setting could be intimidating
and anxiety-provoking for children. Mandating children’s attendance is another practice
that should be done with care, especially in light of the fact that young children may feel
responsible for the breakup, and mandated attendance may add to anger and resentment
among older youth. Program evaluation is an essential tool for monitoring the positive or
negative impact of the group experience on children.