Hi everyone:
We thought we had a majority of the “bugs” worked through for Loyalty Program but still we are finding some issues. I need your help to double check your Orders (and corresponding Invoices) containing redeemed products and surcharges and make sure they are working correctly. Please check out the following issues:
1. Taxes computing correctly. Please do the math on your order and make sure the tax adds up! You should have tax on the products being purchased, tax on the redeemed product (if your market’s rules require tax), tax on the surcharge, and tax on shipping (if your market’s rules require tax on shipping). Please go in and test an order or two and let us know immediately if you find something wrong.
2. Invoice. Please double check your invoice for the same orders above and make sure everything looks correct on the invoice. I know we have made a lot of country-specific changes to the Invoices and at this point I need to know who still needs help getting the Invoice right and who doesn’t. Please let me know immediately if something needs to be changed on the invoice.
In fact, please respond to me if your orders look good and your invoicing looks good. I will make a list and mark whom I think is working correctly at this point. And of course, please definitely respond to me if your orders or invoicing don’t look good so we can make immediate changes.
Also, if you have broken MAS500 batches that you can’t post, please let me know about those too. I will make a list and work through getting them fixed with IT.
Thanks everyone.