The data presented in Table 2 revealed that all the bacterial
isolates produce IAA. The produced mounts of IAA ranged
from 10.73 to 0.6 lg/ml. The highest production was observed
by P19, while the lowest production was detected by P39.
These results are in harmony with Chaiharn and Lumyong
(2011) who found that 18.05% from 216 bacterial strains isolated
from rice rhizospheric soils in Northern Thailand produced
IAA and identified the best IAA producer by
biochemical testing and 16s rDNA sequence analysis as Klebsiella
SN 1.1. This strain produced the highest amount of IAA
(291.97± 0.19 ppm) in culture media supplemented with Ltryptophan.
Furthermore, data in Table 2 clearly indicated
that the isolates i.e. P18, P31, P35, and P42 solubilize rock
phosphate on PVK agar medium, P31 showed the highest