study. This design is concerned with description of a phenomenon of interest and focused on a single group or population
characteristics without trying to make interference. A sample
of convenience including 100 patients, representing all those
who are admitted in the IPD units of the selected study setting
was taken. A structured questionnaire was developed, tested
for clarity and feasibility, and then used to collect data. Development of this questionnaire was guided by NABH Standards
(Continuous Quality Improvement, Facility Management System and Patient Rights and Education Chapter) and Morse Fall
Scale. Designed tools were examined for content validity by a
panel of fve experts.
Ethical Clearance and confdentiality: The current study
was approved by ethical committee of the selected Hospital.
Confdentiality and anonymity of each subject were assured
through coding of all data.
Our Study population consisted of High risk Patients Identifed
at the selected study Setting using Morse fall Scale.
Classifcation of patients into High Risk category at the
selected study setting:
• Assessment using Morse Scale: All admitted patients are
assessed for Falls Risk using the Morse Scale in the selected
study setting. Nurses assess patients using the Morse scale
on admission, and the assessment is repeated on transfer,
with a change in a patient’s condition, as well as after a
fall. The Morse Scale Assessment is based on History of
falling, Secondary diagnosis, Ambulatory aids, IV therapy/
saline lock, Gait and Mental status. Once assessed, each
patient receives an overall score. All patients will be considered at risk for falling when in a hospital setting. This assumption is based on the fact that patients are vulnerable
when they are unwell, when they are receiving treatments/
tests/medications and are in an unfamiliar environment. If
the assessment results in a score of 45 or higher the patient is categorised as a High Risk Patient. All these patients identifed as High Risk formed our study population.
A sample was drawn based on convenience and availability
of patients from this population.
• The current study was conducted in two phases: the
preparation phase and implementation phase. As regards
to the preparation phase; it was concerned with construction and preparation of data collection tools, in addition
to obtaining managerial agreement to carry out the study.
This phase lasted for about four months. Concerning the
implementation phase; it was carried out after obtaining offcial permissions to carry out the study. Data of the
current study were collected over a period of four months
starting from November 2014 to February 2015. The researcher/research associate was available during the time
of flling the data collection sheet to answer any question, and to provide the needed explanations. Filling the
questionnaire required about 15 minutes from each patient. Obtained data was fed into Microsoft Excel for further analysis. The questionnaire had two parts. Part 1 was
aimed to record the demographic details i.e. gender and
age of the respondents while, part 2 of the questionnaire
had 15 questions pertaining to Risk Assessment focussing
on Patient Characteristics (3 questions), Fall Prevention focussing on Patient Education (7 questions) and Ease of Use
of Infrastructure (5 questions).
Results and Discussion:
The Section One of the questionnaire consisted of questions
pertaining to Risk Assessment focussing on Patient Characteristics (3 questions).
The frst question analysed if the patients were suffering from
any kind of sleep disorder or not. The results are depicted in
the fgure below.
study. This design is concerned with description of a phenomenon of interest and focused on a single group or populationcharacteristics without trying to make interference. A sampleof convenience including 100 patients, representing all thosewho are admitted in the IPD units of the selected study settingwas taken. A structured questionnaire was developed, testedfor clarity and feasibility, and then used to collect data. Development of this questionnaire was guided by NABH Standards(Continuous Quality Improvement, Facility Management System and Patient Rights and Education Chapter) and Morse FallScale. Designed tools were examined for content validity by apanel of fve experts.Ethical Clearance and confdentiality: The current studywas approved by ethical committee of the selected Hospital.Confdentiality and anonymity of each subject were assuredthrough coding of all data.Methodology:Our Study population consisted of High risk Patients Identifedat the selected study Setting using Morse fall Scale.Classifcation of patients into High Risk category at theselected study setting:• Assessment using Morse Scale: All admitted patients areassessed for Falls Risk using the Morse Scale in the selectedstudy setting. Nurses assess patients using the Morse scaleon admission, and the assessment is repeated on transfer,with a change in a patient’s condition, as well as after afall. The Morse Scale Assessment is based on History offalling, Secondary diagnosis, Ambulatory aids, IV therapy/saline lock, Gait and Mental status. Once assessed, eachpatient receives an overall score. All patients will be considered at risk for falling when in a hospital setting. This assumption is based on the fact that patients are vulnerablewhen they are unwell, when they are receiving treatments/tests/medications and are in an unfamiliar environment. Ifthe assessment results in a score of 45 or higher the patient is categorised as a High Risk Patient. All these patients identifed as High Risk formed our study population.A sample was drawn based on convenience and availabilityof patients from this population.• The current study was conducted in two phases: thepreparation phase and implementation phase. As regardsto the preparation phase; it was concerned with construction and preparation of data collection tools, in additionto obtaining managerial agreement to carry out the study.This phase lasted for about four months. Concerning theimplementation phase; it was carried out after obtaining offcial permissions to carry out the study. Data of thecurrent study were collected over a period of four monthsstarting from November 2014 to February 2015. The researcher/research associate was available during the timeof flling the data collection sheet to answer any question, and to provide the needed explanations. Filling thequestionnaire required about 15 minutes from each patient. Obtained data was fed into Microsoft Excel for further analysis. The questionnaire had two parts. Part 1 wasaimed to record the demographic details i.e. gender andage of the respondents while, part 2 of the questionnairehad 15 questions pertaining to Risk Assessment focussingon Patient Characteristics (3 questions), Fall Prevention focussing on Patient Education (7 questions) and Ease of Useof Infrastructure (5 questions).Results and Discussion:The Section One of the questionnaire consisted of questionspertaining to Risk Assessment focussing on Patient Characteristics (3 questions).The frst question analysed if the patients were suffering fromany kind of sleep disorder or not. The results are depicted inthe fgure below.
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