These writers have directed considerable attention to the problem of symbolism in art
The art education is thus placed in the unique position of testing and criticizing this scholarly work while gaining, in consequence, further academic sophistication
C. A philosophy of art education, since it is always theory , must be verifiable as a hypothesis, and open to criticism
It must spring from critical reflection rather than untestable, speculative grounds
Morever, the theory must be fruitful -- must lead to a host of ideas that help direct the work of teaching art and must clearly indicate to the professional teaching community the role of art in democratic education
Philosophical writings have shown at least three major approaches to a theory of art education
While each of them has unique characteristics, there are writers who sometimes do not fall into neat categories because of the richness of their thought or their eclecticism
Nevertheless, it many prove helpful to review briefly these positions
Any theory of art which distinguishes the artifact as a physical object from whatever it might mean may be broadly identified as idealism