A novel cross layered energy based AODV protocol [7] is proposed. A dynamic energy conscious routing
algorithm ECL-AODV where cross layer interaction is provided to utilize the energy related information from
physical and MAC layers. This algorithm avoids the nodes which are having low residual energy. By maximizing
the lifetime of mobile nodes routing algorithm selects a best path from the viewpoint of high residual energy path
as part of route stability. The RTS/CTS transmission is a crucial step towards saving the energy of mobile nodes.
In this scheme, the RTS/CTS transmission occurs after route discovery and route reply process. The path is
reserved for further transmissions. The receiving power of sender, intermediate nodes and receiver are also
another part of route stability. The protocol is implemented for achieving quality of service (QoS) in terms of
average energy consumption, packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay and throughput