Honey how are u doing?i hope you are physically health of condition which is the most essential things to human kind,honey i just arrived Scotland now and i am in hotel room,i had a bad trip as i lost my wallet that contain my credit care and some other valuable things but luckily for me,my phone and my international passport is with me,Am financially brooked right now, but it is ok; my colleagues that I am working with here i mean in Scotland people that we are working with will help me out though they don’t know me very well as I am new in this country just for some days but my company will be responding for my hotel bills also, so do not be worried I will be okay and fine. honey how do you spend your day???Please this is just to let you know that I have arrived Scotland,honey as soon as you get the gift and the items fail to call me or write to me,honey always keep in touch in my mobile number,Honey i miss you, No matter where my life takes me, my heart is set on you and you will always remain in my heart forever. call me i want to hear your sweet voice.i call your line is not connected..honey as soon as you receive the gift call me on my mobile number 00447937424523,I miss you more and more every day. I think about the times we had together and the happy days you,you're mine,honey how do you spend your day,have a nice dream and sleep like a new born baby,i will love to hear from you soon....