A: Excuse me. Would you mind turning down the music, please?
B: What’s that?
A: I said, could you please turn the music down! My whole apartment is rattling!
B: Oh. Is that better?
A: A little better. It is after midnight?
B: Oh, come on, man. It’s still early. It’s my birthday, you know, so I asked a few friends over. You want to come in?
A: No, no. I’m not the party type and I’ve got to get up early tomorrow.
B: But it’s Sunday tomorrow. What do you have to get up for so early?
A: That’s none of you business. The rules say no noise after 11:00 P.M. So if you’re going to continue, I’ll have to call the police.
B :Oh, all right. Don’t get so uptight about it all.
1. Where are these prople?
2. Who are they?
3. What is the problem?
4. Are they men or women? How can you tell?