Sagittaria lancifolia
Sagittaria lancifolia L.
Lanceleaf Arrowhead, Duck-potato, Bulltongue arrowhead
Alismataceae (Water-Plantain Family)
USDA Native Status: L48 (N), PR (N)
This perennial arises with basal leaves to 3 feet tall from tuber-producing rhizomes. The leaves have long petioles and arrowhead shaped leaf blades to 10 inches long. Submerged leaves are lance-shaped or even bladeless. The ½ to 1 inch wide 3 petaled white flowers appear in late spring and summer.
Members of the Water-Plantain Family grow in water, in swamps, on muddy banks, or occasionally in wet sand. Each plant has long-petioled leaves in a clump with a flowering stem rising among them. The flowers have 3 green sepals, 3 white or pink-tinged petals, 6 or more stamens, and several pistils. Stamens and pistils may be in separate flowers.