8b. Leaves obtuse to acute at base.
10a. Fruit indehiscent; large trees, frequently cultivated for lumber ....................................................... 62. Neolamarckia
10b. Fruit schizocarpous splitting into 2 mericarps or capsular with septicidal then loculicidal
dehiscence; shrubs and trees, perhaps occasionally cultivated.
11a. Fruit schizocarpous, splitting into 2 indehiscent mericarps; leaves opposite or whorled;
shrubs .............................................................................................................................................. 13. Cephalanthus
11b. Fruit capsular, valves opening to release seeds; leaves opposite; shrubs and trees.
12a. Stipules held erect and pressed together in a flattened bud.
13a. Inflorescence heads sessile or subsessile with peduncles up to 0.5 cm; stigmas cylindrical
with style attached in a recessed portion (i.e., upside-down mitriform) ...................................... 53. Mitragyna
13b. Inflorescence heads pedunculate, peduncles 1–8 cm; stigmas globose to ovoid ...................... 63. Neonauclea
12b. Stipules imbricate or valvate in a conical to hemispherical bud.
14a. Seeds subglobose to trigonous or ellipsoid, not winged ................................................................ 49. Metadina
14b. Seeds flattened to fusiform or angled, usually winged.
15a. Calyx lobes ca. 0.5 mm; fruit 5–7 mm ....................................................................................... 85. Sinoadina
15b. Calyx lobes 1–2 mm; fruit 1.5–5 mm.
16a. Stipules deeply bilobed for more than 1/2 their length ................................................................... 2. Adina
16b. Stipules triangular and entire to shortly bilobed for 1/4 or less their length ...................... 69. Pertusadina
6b. Flowers variously arranged in heads, cymes, panicles, or other types of groups, these groups
sometimes umbelliform but heads then not symmetrically globose, terminal, axillary, pseudoaxillary,
or in other positions.
17a. Fruit capsular, opening through an apical operculum and later sometimes splitting into 5 valves,
with each seed individually enclosed in a fibrous, netlike aril .................................................................. 44. Leptodermis
17b. Fruit indehiscent, baccate, drupaceous, or capsular but then not operculate and with fewer than
5 valves, seeds without aril or with aril continuous, fleshy.
18a. Inflorescences not borne at stem apex but regularly axillary (i.e., borne in both axils at a node),
superaxillary, and/or apparently axillary due to regularly produced axillary or lateral short
shoots (i.e., brachyblasts).
19a. Stems and abaxial surface of leaf densely sericeous, hirsute, or strigose with remarkably long
silky trichomes .................................................................................................................................. 97. Xanthophytum
19b. Stems and abaxial surface of leaf variously glabrous to pubescent with trichomes of various
types, but not densely and consistently long and silky.
20a. Inflorescence borne on regular paired axillary short shoots (i.e., brachyblasts), each short
shoot with several stipulate nodes; fruit fleshy and drupaceous or baccate, or dry and
indehiscent or schizocarpous.
21a. Stipules with 1–8 stiffly spiniform bristles ............................................................................................ 84. Serissa
21b. Stipules entire or with several to numerous bristles or projections but these not spiny.
22a. Bracts multifid with segments glandular.
23a. Corolla lobes valvate in bud; fruit a fleshy drupe .............................................................. 20. Damnacanthus
23b. Corolla lobes convolute in bud; fruit a dry schizocarp ........................................................ 93. Trailliaedoxa
22b. Bracts absent or entire and not glandular.
24a. Stipules bilobed .................................................................................................................. 72. Prismatomeris
24b. Stipules triangular.
25a. Flowers with 4 calyx lobes, corolla lobes, and stamens.
26a. Petioles and inflorescence axes articulate at their bases; stigmas fusiform ................................ 39. Ixora
26b. Petioles and inflorescence axes not articulate; stipules lobed.
27a. Plants without fetid odor; corolla salverform, with lobes convolute in bud ....................... 67. Pavetta
27b. Plants with or without fetid odor when bruised; corolla campanulate, tubular, or
funnelform, with lobes valvate or valvate-induplicate in bud ......................................... 81. Saprosma
25b. Flowers with 5 calyx lobes, corolla lobes, and stamens.
28a. Calyx lobes 5–8 mm ...................................................................................................... 12. Catunaregam
28b. Calyx lobes 0.5–4 mm.
29a. Ovules and seeds 1–4 in each cell; plants without spines; flowers sessile and
solitary ......................................................................................................................... 36. Himalrandia
29b. Ovules and seeds more than 4 in each cell; plants with or without spines;
flowers sessile to pedicellate, solitary to several in fascicles.
30a. Plants with bisexual flowers; ovary with ovules and seeds attached to septum
(i.e., axile) ........................................................................................................................... 8. Benkara
30b. Plants dioecious; ovary with ovules and seeds attached to outer wall
(i.e., parietal); nodes of stems mostly reduced .......................................................... 14. Ceriscoides
20b. Inflorescences borne on peduncles directly from main stems, these with no more than
1 reduced basal node.
31a. Inflorescences racemiform or spiciform, with well-developed primary axes directly
bearing numerous pedicels ....................................................................................................... 37. Hymenodictyon
31b. Inflorescences capitate to cymose, without well-developed primary axes or with axes
of several orders developed, with higher order axes or all axes bearing few to numerous
32a. Woody twiners or climbers; fruit a woody capsule, subglobose, with winged seeds ............. 19. Coptosapelta
32b. Erect shrubs and trees; fruit fleshy and indehiscent or capsular, papery to cartilaginous,
flattened, with unwinged seeds.
33a. Fruit capsular, papery to cartilaginous, mitriform and laterally markedly flattened
(this shape often evident in young developing fruit) ............................................................. 65. Ophiorrhiza
33b. Fruit indehiscent and fleshy.
34a. Corolla lobes imbricate in bud; fruit a drupe with a single, 4–9-celled subglobose
pyrene, this 2–3 cm in diam.; plants of coastal thickets ......................................................... 31. Guettarda
34b. Corolla lobes convolute or valvate in bud or imbricate in some species of Lasianthus;
fruit baccate with numerous seeds or drupaceous with 1-celled pyrenes 2 to numerous;
plants of interior habitats.
35a. Cultivated plants; corolla lobes convolute in bud; fruit drupaceous with 2 plano-convex
pyrenes with papery walls; bracts fused in calyculate pairs ..................................................... 18. Coffea
35b. Native plants; corolla lobes convolute, valvate, or imbricate in bud; fruit baccate or
drupaceous with 2 to numerous plano-convex to angled, ellipsoid-oblong, ellipsoid,
or flattened, hard-walled pyrenes; bracts free or fused in calyculate pairs.
36a. Fruit a berry with several to numerous seeds.
37a. Seeds numerous; corolla lobes valvate in bud ........................................................... 95. Urophyllum
37b. Seeds 3–8; corolla lobes convolute in bud.
38a. Ovules and seeds 1–3 per cell; stigmas papillose; calyx lobes minute or
up to 0.5 mm ............................................................................................................ 23. Diplospora
38b. Ovules and seeds 3–6 per cell; stigmas pubescent; calyx lobes 1–2 mm ............ 38. Hyptianthera
36b. Fruit a drupe, with 2 to numerous pyrenes, each containing 1 seed.
39a. Flower buds acute to rounded at apex; pyrenes flattened to triangular; plants
often with fetid odor when bruised .............................................................................. 43. Lasianthus
39b. Flower buds sharply acute to acuminate at apex; pyrenes plano-convex to
ellipsoid-oblong or ellipsoid; plants without fetid odor.
40a. Plants without or sometimes with spines; stipules pilose to sericeous inside
(i.e., adaxially) ........................................................................................................... 11. Canthium
40b. Plants without spines; stipules glabrous inside ............................................................ 75. Psydrax
18b. Inflorescences terminal, pseudoaxillary (i.e., regularly borne in only 1 axil at a node), or apparently
pseudoaxillary or lateral due to anisophylly or an undeveloped internode.
41a. Stipules with 1–8 sharp spines or spiny bristles ........................................................................................... 84. Serissa
41b. Stipules entire to lobed or multifid, sometimes aristate or caudate but not spiny.
42a. Stipules with several well-developed, fibrous, closely set veins, these parallel to palmate .......... 58. Myrioneuron
42b. Stipules smooth, 1–3-costate but not densely veined.
43a. Calyx limb with developed truncate tube; flowers several to numerous, all pedicellate,
borne in umbelliform cymules .................................................................................................. 10. Caelospermum
43b. Calyx limb reduced to developed and at least shortly lobed or