A vital point in human history. The other workers simply looked annoyed. A huge security officer intercepted him. ‘you can’t come over here. Keep to the visitors’ gallery.’
‘No! You’ve got to stop-‘
Zack’s face was a mixture of fear and fury. He yelled at Josh’s mum, ‘Listen to me! There’s a mistake…’ march him towards the exit.
‘…zero ,lift off!’
The giant rocket seemed to hesitate and then rose majestically into the air. It seemed slow at first but, as it climbed, it was up in the clouds and the Spaceguard staff clapped and cheered.
Not Dr Brindle. She rushed after Zack. So did Josh and Dave. They all came together by the main door.
‘What’s going on?’ Josh’s mum cried.
Zack wriggled out of the bouncer’s grip.