What activities do you participate in outside of school?
What languages do you speak other than your native language?
3. What opportunities have you had speaking in front of groups?
4. What is your favorite subject in school? Why?
5. What types of books do you read? How many books do you read each month?
6. Why did you apply to become a __________Exchange student?
7. What do you think is the most important thing about representing your community and country abroad?
8. Describe three issues that are facing your country today.
9. What world event interests you?
10. Have you ever spent any time away from home? If so, where did you go and for how long?
11. Who is a role model to you? Why?
12. Describe your greatest accomplishment.
13. If someone asked you to do something that you did not think was appropriate, how would you handle the situation?
14. Give an example of a personal weakness. How do you think that this will affect you on your exchange?
15. Do you have responsibilities at home? If so, what are they?
16. Do you think that you will get homesick? If so, how will you handle it?
17. Will you attend church with your host family if they are of a different faith? How do you feel about this?
18. How would you go about meeting friends in a new country?
19. What leadership roles have you assumed in school or in extracurricular activities?
20. How do you plan to share your experiences with family and friends when you return home?
21. What is the most difficult decision that you have had to make?
22. What is the most difficult or challenging situation you have faced in your life?
23. What was the happiest day of your life?
The customs and food will be very different from home. How will you assimilate?