1. Tell the customers in advance, to know the bakery to go on sales such as a
bakery for the festivals because it can encourage customers to come to patronize
and determine that what kind of bakery that customers interested.
2. Write the name a bakery, notably and a bakery bag, in addition to the
shop’s name and symbol, there will be named bakery with.
3. The bakery in the shop, it have shown bakery in shop, people to see and
most notably to tell some particularities of bakery.
4. The bakery shop have bakery’s example to try a taste for the customers
when a new product has been suggested.
5. The shop has been designed the packing to be suitable for bakery because
it can be stored for a long time and always fresh.
6. The shop has instructions and a description about the style and taste of
different bakery, to show the customer that we are happy to serve is always.
7. The shop will try to provide the new things to the customer, to thank the
customer who comes in order.