Test speed, yeah there is, that the now now this There is a test speed given here, which
should be, that it is mentioned here, you know that test speed should be at least 90
percent of ship speed at corresponding to 85 percent, at least 85 percent of maximum
power, I will tell you the reason for that. You see what happens, you have an ship with
an full power, sometime you do not actually you know if you give the full power, you
will have a, you know higher speed, say ship is designed for say, 16 knot speed. But this
standard, somebody will say that I am going to go at 14 knot speed. Always, but
basically it turns out that if you increase the speed, you normally have you know, like it
has an effect on the turning abilities. So, they specify that you must do this test at least at
8 5 5 percent of the 95 percent of the, I mean, I mean the the speed should be at least 90
percent of the ship, corresponding to the 85 percent of power.