No. Date.
Type of Product and style Pack :
A. Information from point of Collection of Sample(S):
1. Source
2. Number of samples
Sampling Instructions: Please submit 12 suspect unit of sound product from a similar code as controls.
Submit all suspect containers (and an equal number of controls of similar code) if less than 12 suspect units
are available.
3. Date of collection
4. Code(s)
5. Container size
B. Information Concerning Code Lot of Submitted Sample(s):
1. Location of spoiled goods
2. Temperature of storage - Plant: - Warehouse: - Retail:
3. Number of spoiled and normal containers of each size involved
4. Percent spoilage (number spoiled divided by number in lot x 100)
5. Packing dates, periods and lines involved
6. Date when spoilage first appeared or noted
7. Are any cans burst, hard swells, soft swells, flippers or low vacuum; and are any flat cans spoiled
(complaints of spoilage in flat cans)