To answer this question, Yeomans et al. [26] repeatedly served one of four versions of a beverage as a mid-morning snack: a drink with either a low or high energy density and either low or high thickness and creaminess. Before (day 1) and after (day 6) repeated consumption, subjects were served an ad libitum meal 90 min after the preload, and intake was measured. A three-way interaction between time (test day), energy and sensory attributes indicated changes in intake over re- peated consumption. At first exposure, test meal intake, as well as total intake (preload + test meal), depended on both sensory characteristics and energy density: participants consumed a smaller amount following the HE preload with enhanced creaminess and thickness. After repeated exposure, test meal intake depended on energy density, with greater intake following LE preloads as compared to HE preloads, independent of the thickness or creaminess of the preloads. The most prominent change over repeated exposure was an increase in intake following the LE preloads.