In a small embassy the ambassador might have to head a section of the embassy in addition to his other duties. In these cases, the ambassador tends to show preference for political work. If. However. Economic relations are predominant, the ambassador might head the embassy’s economic section. In a larger embassy, the ambassador is mostly busy coordinating the work of his staff and handles only the most important issues himself. In such a case. he keeps contact with the host government and reports to his foreign ministry. Since only he is received by the leadership and high officials of the host country. He has to step in whenever contacts ay a high level are required. When. For example. His staff does not succeed in solving a problem on the working level. The ambassador has to tackle the matter. While he may not follow the example of a 16th century venetian ambassador to Rome who went 472 reports In 12 months. The modern ambassador of a large embassy contributes substantially to the of information and its reporting back home.”