M.2 / 2 I was studying in the classroom. 2/2 class with 45 students. Each with a different character. And features are not the same Some people like to laugh Talked loudly Some people like to live quietly. In my opinion, Think it's annoying, but it's great fun in my room, each will have a break-out groups. There are some big some small Group I counted
There are about eight different groups of the Nook, which is a group of gifted students in one group and the group responsible. The mist is the Friendly's and is the most cranky bot. Blue Group Is the most hilarious jokes fun here. The rod cartoons The group was very quiet and a lovely group. The Ice The group was a good athlete yet.
The mice This sounds like a lot like the teacher and teacher tease. The Spot This group is a group that likes to play games and laugh out loud. The rice noodle The group was not talking to people and like to be together forever. This is the group that is in the room, but to be segmented out, but we are friends too.