repeated the score is 2. The score is also 2 if the load is intermittent but more than 10 kg. Lastly, if the load or a force of more than 10 kg is experienced statically or repeatedly, the score is 3. If a load or force of any magnitude is experienced with rapid build-up or a jolting action the score is also 3. These ranges were developed from Putz-Anderson”’ and Stevenson and Baidva”. The muscle use and force scores are assessed for the bodv part groups A and B and recorded in the boxes provided on the score sheet of Figure 3. These are then added to the posture scores which are derived from Tables 1 and 2 respectively to give two scores called score C and score D.
STAGE 3: Development of the grand score aud action . . ILS t The third stage of RULA, and thus of its development, is to incorporate both score C and score D into a single grand score whose magnitude provides a guide to the priority for subsequent investigations. Each possible combination of score C and score D was given a rating. called a grand score, of l-7 based upon the estimated risk of injury due to musculoskeletal loading (‘Figure 6). For a grand+score of 1 or 2, the working posture would have scored 2 or less for both body segments groups A and B, and the scores for muscle use and force would be 0. Working postures and actions which have a grand score of 1 or 2 are considered acceptable if not maintained or repeated for long periods. A grand score of 3 or 4 will be given to working postures which are outside suitable ranges of motion as defined in the literature and also working postures which are within suitable ranges of motion but where repetitive actions, static loading or the exertion of force are required. Further investigation is needed for these operations and changes may be required. A grand score of 5 or 6 indicates those working postures which are not within suitable ranges of motion: the operator is required to perform repetitive movements and/or static muscle work. and there may be a need to exert force. It is suggested that these operations are investigated soon and changes made in the short term while long-term measures to reduce the levels of exposure to risk factors are planned. A grand score of 7 would be given to anvM working postures at or near the end of range of movement where repetitive or static actions are required. Anv postures where the forces or loads mav be exc&sive are also included in this group. Invest&ion and modification of these operations is required immediately to reduce excessive loading of the muscuioskeletal system and the risk of injury to the operator. The requirements for action into which the grand scores are divided is summarized into Action leve1J. as follows: A ctiorl level I A score of 1 or 2 indicates that posture is acceptable if it is not maintained or repeated for long periods. Action level 2 A score of 3 or 4 indicates that further investigation is needed and changes may be required. Action level 3 A score of 5 or 6 indicates that investigation and changes are required soon. Action level 4 A score of 7 indicates that investigation and changes are required immediately. The higher action levels will not, however, lead to unequivocal actions to eliminate any risks to the operator. It must be strongly emphasized that, since the human body is a complex and adaptive svstem, simple methods cannot deal in simple wavs with postural and loading effects on the body. What the RULA svstem d provides is a guide, and Y It was developed to drab boundaries around the more extreme situations. However. the conbination of factors which influence the load but varv between operators, and factors which alter the indLidua1.s response to a particular load’, may contribute to increasing the load from being within acceptable boundaries to being a serious problem for some people. For these reasons the action list leads. in most cases, to proposals for a more detailed investigation. To draw
ทำซ้ำการให้คะแนนเป็น 2 คะแนนก็ 2 ถ้าโหลดเป็นระยะ ๆ แต่มากกว่า 10 กก. สุดท้ายนี้ ถ้าโหลดหรือแรงมากกว่า 10 กก.เป็นประสบการณ์ซ้ำ ๆ หรือฟิกแบบคง คะแนนได้ 3 ถ้าโหลดหรือแรงขนาดใด จะมีประสบการณ์เกิดอย่างรวดเร็วหรือการดำเนินการ jolting คะแนนได้ยัง 3 ช่วงนี้ได้รับการพัฒนาจาก Putz แอนเดอร์สัน" ' และสตีเวนสันและ Baidva " กล้ามเนื้อใช้ และบังคับให้คะแนนประเมินกลุ่ม A และ B ส่วน bodv และบันทึกไว้ในกล่องที่ให้มาในแผ่นคะแนน 3 รูป เหล่านี้แล้วจะเพิ่มให้คะแนนท่าที่มาจากตาราง 1 และ 2 ตามลำดับให้คะแนนสองคะแนน C และ D. คะแนนSTAGE 3: Development of the grand score aud action . . ILS t The third stage of RULA, and thus of its development, is to incorporate both score C and score D into a single grand score whose magnitude provides a guide to the priority for subsequent investigations. Each possible combination of score C and score D was given a rating. called a grand score, of l-7 based upon the estimated risk of injury due to musculoskeletal loading (‘Figure 6). For a grand+score of 1 or 2, the working posture would have scored 2 or less for both body segments groups A and B, and the scores for muscle use and force would be 0. Working postures and actions which have a grand score of 1 or 2 are considered acceptable if not maintained or repeated for long periods. A grand score of 3 or 4 will be given to working postures which are outside suitable ranges of motion as defined in the literature and also working postures which are within suitable ranges of motion but where repetitive actions, static loading or the exertion of force are required. Further investigation is needed for these operations and changes may be required. A grand score of 5 or 6 indicates those working postures which are not within suitable ranges of motion: the operator is required to perform repetitive movements and/or static muscle work. and there may be a need to exert force. It is suggested that these operations are investigated soon and changes made in the short term while long-term measures to reduce the levels of exposure to risk factors are planned. A grand score of 7 would be given to anvM working postures at or near the end of range of movement where repetitive or static actions are required. Anv postures where the forces or loads mav be exc&sive are also included in this group. Invest&ion and modification of these operations is required immediately to reduce excessive loading of the muscuioskeletal system and the risk of injury to the operator. The requirements for action into which the grand scores are divided is summarized into Action leve1J. as follows: A ctiorl level I A score of 1 or 2 indicates that posture is acceptable if it is not maintained or repeated for long periods. Action level 2 A score of 3 or 4 indicates that further investigation is needed and changes may be required. Action level 3 A score of 5 or 6 indicates that investigation and changes are required soon. Action level 4 A score of 7 indicates that investigation and changes are required immediately. The higher action levels will not, however, lead to unequivocal actions to eliminate any risks to the operator. It must be strongly emphasized that, since the human body is a complex and adaptive svstem, simple methods cannot deal in simple wavs with postural and loading effects on the body. What the RULA svstem d provides is a guide, and Y It was developed to drab boundaries around the more extreme situations. However. the conbination of factors which influence the load but varv between operators, and factors which alter the indLidua1.s response to a particular load’, may contribute to increasing the load from being within acceptable boundaries to being a serious problem for some people. For these reasons the action list leads. in most cases, to proposals for a more detailed investigation. To draw
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