2.5. Ingestion of treated food
In a 100-mL plastic bottle (5 cm diameter 6 cm height), 10 g of
T. aestivum grains were placed that represented one parcel. The
grains were treated with 100-mL of either each extract solution at
1% (m.m1) or ethanol (control) applied with a precision microsyringe.
The bottles were manually shaken gently for 1 min to mix
the grains with the solution and were then left without direct
sunlight for 10 min. Into each bottle was placed 30 neonates of
S. cerealella (Iqbal et al., 2010a). The bottles were closed with a
perforated lid and kept in a BOD chamber at 25 1 C, 70 10% RH
and a 12-h photoperiod. The development period (days) and survival
(%) from larva to adult emergence were evaluated. The adult