In this lesson, you'll learn how to start and quit Q&A, select options from Q&A' smenus, and navigate through the menu structure.
Starting Q&A
Before you can start Q&A, the program must be installed on your computer (see installation instructions on the inside front cover), and the drive and directory in which Q&A is installed must be the current directory (such as C:QA).
To make C:QA the current directory, follow these steps:
In this lesson, you'll learn how to start and quit Q&A, select options from Q&A' smenus, and navigate through the menu structure.Starting Q&ABefore you can start Q&A, the program must be installed on your computer (see installation instructions on the inside front cover), and the drive and directory in which Q&A is installed must be the current directory (such as C:QA). To make C:QA the current directory, follow these steps:
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