Yes. It is only match to my name Andy Baldwin.I love you. I don't want to loose you. Please my darling wife. Don't allow the enemies to come in between us.You are mine. Our love is for both of us. We are specially made for each other.It is late. I will send my passport in the morning time okay.I don't share my personality just like that. And I don't want you to be scared okay. I want to open up my full details. And I truly want to come over to meet you in person and your family. You are so dearest. And loving. You are my wife. I don't want to know what your friends is saying against me. My love for you is natural and I can do with you. I want to meet you in My love for you Is natural. And I Promise to love you foeever. God knows. You are mine. Without you there is no me. With you all this are possiPlease forgive me my love. I don't tell my personality till we meet.ble.Thailand face to face and we plan ahead okay.