Lesson VOC 68
Task: Empty work area trash cans.
Prerequisites: ADT 123
Concept: This activity is an extension of emptying trash cans in a home setting (see prerequisite ADT 123). The difference is in the volume and the type of container (dumpster) that ultimately receives the trash.
Behavioral Objective: When requested to empty at least three work area trash cans, the student will empty each can into a large plastic trash bag, take the bag to a dumpster, and deposit the bag in the dumpster to a 90% accuracy level for 20 trials.
Materials: Large plastic trash bags and sample trash cans with paper waste in a simulated or real work setting.
Task Analysis:
1. Review with the student his or her ability to empty trash cans from a home-like setting.
2. Demonstrate the location where the plastic bags used to empty the trash are stored. Continue this step until the student can go to that area and get a plastic bag upon request.
3. Go with the student to each location that has a trash can that is a part of the simulated or real work area.
4. Continue Step 3, adding the actual action of emptying the trash cans into the plastic bags. At least three trash cans should be involved in this process.
5. Go with the student to the designated dumpster that should receive the trash and demonstrate how to discard the bag.
6. Combine the concepts of Steps 2 through 5, reducing all prompting until the student can perform the entire task with just a verbal request.