The most abundant of fourteen tintinnid species (Table 1) was Tintinnopsis radix, with a maximum of 36 ind. L' at A300. This species was found from the coastal stations to A3 00, with a considerable range of vertical distribution from surface to 200 m depth. Other tintitmids were less numerous. The highest abundance of 4 ind. L"' was recorded for Tintinnopsis nana only at the surface of station A50. Vertical distributions of most of other tintinnids were restricted to the zone above 50 m depth (Fig. 3). Xystonella lohmanni and Dadayiella ganymedes were recorded between 50 and 100 m, and Salpingella glockentoegeri below 100 m depth. Species found only in the open sea (A300-A1000) were: Protorhabdonella curta, Xystonella lohmanni, Dictyocista muelleri, Dadayiella ganymedes and Salpingella glockentoegeri.