When his father stole a sheep , the son will testify for the state in court. Confucius heard to reply the honest people in our country who don’t act like the father protects his child when the culprit. Children are covered with their fathers of father’s guilty. We find the honesty in a relationship like this. This attitude has been heavily criticized others views that the proposed Confucius only which makes the state become weaker. At the same situation, Confucian rule is not the subject of states power, but it covers the human lives by itself.
From the reference story it can show the relationship between father and son . Father stole sheep and son protect him Wuwei is an important concept in Taoism that literally means non-action or non-doing. In the Tao te Ching, Laozie explains that the beings or phenomena that are wholly in harmony with the Tao behaving in a completely natural, uncontrived way. As the planets revolve around the sun, they "do" this revolving, but without "doing" it. As trees grow, they simply grow without trying to grow. Thus, knowing how and when to act is not knowledge in the sense that one would think, "now I should do this," but rather just doing it, doing the natural thing. The goal of spiritual practice for the human being is, according to Laozi, the attainment of this natural way of behaving.