The electrical equipment consists of the main switchboard, operator panel and safety-
control. The hoisting equipment and part of the electrical control equipment are located
in the machine room at the top of the tower. The remaining of the hoisting system, the
control equipment and the converter are located in a separate room (central control
room), which has to be built on ground level near to the tower by customer and which
needs to be air-conditioned.
The components are chosen so that the supply of consumable parts is possible locally
and the fail-safe PLC's used for the ride control system are an off the shelf products,
well known in the industry (Siemens or Rockwell/AB) that can be supported by local
representatives or suppliers.
All electrical cabinets in sizes suitable for transportation are pre-wired and tested. The
interconnection between individual cabinets, central cabinets and junction boxes is to
be provided by the buyer. To enable buyer to do so, Intamin will provide appropriate
schematics specifying terminals, cable size and types.
Optionally Intamin can offer a ride diagnostic computer with the capability for internet
online support. The cost for this option is shown under Chapter E, Options.
M a n u a l s a n d D o c u m e n t a t i o n
INTAMIN provides the customer with the following documentation in the English
language on a CD Rom in PDF format:
- Operation manual
- Maintenance manual
- Installation drawings and manual
- Foundation loads
- Electrical schematics
- Electrical cable lists
- Spare part lists
S p a r e P a r t s - O P T I O N
No spare parts are included in this proposal.