As you are aware We are going to replace the annual residential Knowledge Box programme with a localised version, tailored and specialized to each market – 2013 Knowledge Box goes LARGE!
There is now significant upside for our people and the business by modifying our approach such that we:
• Increase the number of people that can attend foundational MR skills training
• Localize case studies enabling greater relevance
• Provide opportunity for local seniors/practice experts to lead sessions
• Enable more client interaction
• Spread the learning over an extended period of time (possible options to run 1 module a fortnight (or week) over 12 months)
John Smurthwaite will be in touch with each of you to plan the roll out of the 2013 Knowledge Box program in your respected countries. He will visit each country and cover the following:
1. Work with the People & Culture team and assist with the implementation – P&C must take ownership of the program
2. Train the local trainers and the tutors (explanation below)
3. Meet with all the young executives who will be on the course and explain what will be required of them
4. Conduct some training (particularly in relation to the exam requirements which will be set by the Market Research Society of the UK)
The Course
The knowledge and tools shared throughout the program will equip young researchers with the skills to conduct a research project, end-to-end. They will learn not only the theory involved in the research process but importantly, how to apply the principals in practice to meet, and exceed, a client’s expectations, every time. And ultimately, it will be best practice that will help set TNS apart from our competition and streamline our business processes well into the future.
Participants will complete a number of modules to successfully graduate from the TNS Knowledge Box. At the completion, participants will sit for an external examination and an assignment, to receive their Advanced Certificate in Market Research through the UK MRS (Market Research Society), a globally recognised industry qualification.
Next Steps
John will contact you to manage the following:
• Provide details of the course
• Select young executives in your office to be trained in the Basic Market Research Program. Ideally these will have 1-2 years’ experience in MR.
• Select trainers for each of the modules. John will send you the list of modules that we have selected. The material will be sent to each country.
• Select tutors who will assist the candidates to train for the MRS exams. John will explain this further but in principle the tutor will be the line manager for the candidates.
TNS Australia has already commenced the training and other countries will now have the opportunity to commence the program this month as many of the modules are already available.