The way that art education should adopt in order to meet the needs of this era concerning art education should be postmodern art education approach; because current era, taking advantage of discourses from postmodern art, postmodern philosophy, postmodern aesthetic etc eclectically, makes us rethink about all the disciplines and rebuilds them. According to Kale (2002: 46-48) it’s only possible to actualize a radical change of mentality by creating educational environments equipped with pluralist approach that synthesises abstract/theory with implementation/practise (without breaking the knowledge from outside world). In this respect, information with its postmodern discourse in education, as Lyotard stated, will stop being only a mass of deictic hypothesis but become a tool for knowing how to do, how to live and how to listen in other words how to learn. In short, the basic philosophy of education is not to rely on a single truth; the dominance of standardized discourse; but to be in search of new interpretations of new registers with pluralist attendance.
Postmodern art which began to manifest itself especially in the area of architecture in 1960s and then continued to be mentioned about with heated debates in 1980s, also reflected upon many disputes concerning art education. For instance, by including every kind of aesthetic visual object into art lessons, a new art didactics named “visual communication” was introduced.