All the numerical studies above were based on empty warehouse.
However if foodstuffs were stacked up in the cold store, they would affect the flow field greatly.
In order to simulate the problems caused by foodstuff piles, two piles with the dimension 0.5 m · 2 m was assumed in the cold store, the distance between them was 1.5 m, and the first one was 2 m away from the wall.
The tremendous effect on airflow caused by foodstuff piles was shown in Fig. 8.
The middle of circumfluence,which was largely dependent on the height and the location of foodstuff piles was gone up and became narrow and long.
The same conclusion during a simulation study in potato store was also obtained (Xu & Burfoot, 1997).
The number of eddy was increased greatly, and the whole flow field was changed to disorder and not uniform.