Acknowledging Effect of Hearing Distressing Voices
I have a better understanding of what a mentally ill patient experience. It will give me more awareness of the patients experiences with a condition like this.
I could help and care for patients in a better way after being able to understand what they are going through.
I will know somewhat how the patients feel and think and have a better understanding of how the voices mess with their thinking.
It will help me understand why people struggle. It will help me understand they are dealing with things can’t see on the surface.
I will have more compassion for people with this problem. I’m anxious to help people with their mental illness struggles even more so having used this simulation.
This will help me or will influence my nursing practice because it will enable me to connect with the patients more and hopefully it will enable patients to be more comfortable with me.
Developing Patience and Respect
I will try to be more patient with my patients who are suffering from hearing voices because I know they are hearing things and me at the same time. I will have more patience with them and keep in mind they have trouble focusing.
I will take special considerations with those clients (who hear voices and try my best to keep them calm while being patient with them.
I will be able to be empathetic toward those clients who hear distressing voices. I strongly believe will treat clients with respect and be able to listen to their concerns.
Treat everyone with respect. I can only imagine how difficult this would be. Treat others with mental health problems with respect and continue to be attentive and give time for completion of tasks.
Promoting Novel Therapeutic Care Approaches
Understand that interviews will take longer and have the patience and Understand that interviews provide them with time they need.
I will speak slower to the clients and give them plenty of time to respond to questions and to perform tasks.
Take more time to talk to a patient experiencing voices and make sure they get what you were saying. Saying positive things to and about the patient to go against the negative voices].
Opening My Eyes
It opened my eyes up to how hard it must be to do simple tasks for individuals with a mental illness who hear voices.
This will open my eyes to nursing practice and allow me to empathize with patients who suffer with hearing voices.
It was hard to imagine what “hearing voices” is like until you actually experience it for yourself . I do not think that I ever would have fully understood if I had not participated in this activity.